A to B is designed to help residents of Allegheny County find transportation options that meet their needs, preferences, and abilities. Simply answer a few questions and A to B will match you to possible transportation options. We'll help you get from A to B!

A to B is not designed to plan a specific trip, but to help you find options for many kinds of trips. Your results will be more accurate if you answer as many questions as possible.

Using A to B is free, voluntary, and anonymous—and only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh does not specifically endorse any providers listed in A to B.

Transportation providers may have additional requirements not specified in A to B, so be sure to contact any provider that interests you.

For best results:

  • 1. Answer as many question as possible.

  • 2. Use Google Chrome for your browser.

  • 3. Expand your window to full screen.

  • 4. If using a screen reader, use NVDA.

This tool was developed in partnership with: